Why is my SodaStream TERRA™ Sparkling Water Maker not carbonating properly?

Try the steps below to get back to bubbling:

Step 1 - Did you insert the carbonating bottle properly?

Tilt the bottle rest towards you until a click sound is heard and insert the bottle into the Snap-Lock by pushing the bottle neck up and back. There is no need to screw the bottle in or out of your Sparkling Water Maker.

Step 2 - Did you fizz the water in the right way?

If you have not yet added flavor, try re-carbonating by pushing down firmly on the carbonating button and holding for 1-2 seconds, releasing, and repeating -- 3 times for standard fizz and 5 times for strong fizz. When you've reached the right carbonation level, pull the bottle towards you and remove Remember to always fizz water before adding any flavour.

Step 3 - Are you out of CO2?

To check if you’re out of CO2, first make sure the SodaStream Quick Connect Cylinder is properly inserted in the cylinder holder with the cylinder handle (which might be either Black or Pink) lowered. Once you’ve checked this, push the carbonating lever a few times to see if CO2 is entering the bottle and check for bubbles.

If you're out of CO2 click here to find a store near you or exchange online.

 Need further assistance? Contact us via email or phone at 0800-085-8373.